Entrepreneurs quickly realize that starting any business will provide you with lessons learned. The same is true for starting a new law firm. The Clio Team wrote an interesting article at https://www.goclio.com/blog/7-things-ive-learned-since-starting-a-law-firm/ which lists the top 7 things that were learned when starting a new law firm.
After finding the job market for lawyers less attractive, Willie Peacock decided to start his own law firm, and create an experience that has proven to be terrifying, exciting and most of all rewarding.
Willie has found that down time is not readily available and that when your time is money then you find other areas of the business that can benefit, such as updating your strategies or updating your website.
You will have strengths and weaknesses when you consider the entire scope of the business. Always work to improve upon your weaknesses and accept that they exist.
Don't be fooled by the sales people that will sell you anything. As a new business owner that may be not knowledgeable in a particular skill there will be sales people that will always try to sell the "thing" that you can not do without.
You can read the additional tips from Willie at https://www.goclio.com/blog/7-things-ive-learned-since-starting-a-law-firm/.
Here are the 3 tips to keep it short.
Be industrious
Work on your weak spots
Be cautious
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