Are you looking for MOOCs or institutions that offer free online courses? The MOOCs Scoreboard lists almost 1,700 MOOCs taking place all around Europe. It also allows you to download and compare data from country to country, institution and subject.
The new Open Education Europa MOOCs Scoreboard includes almost 1,700 open courses throughout the EU, 137 of them starting in July.
This interactive map, updated on a monthly basis, demonstrates the increasing offer and popularity of MOOCs, with Spanish and British institutions as leading providers.
It allows you to download and compare data from country to country, institution and subject.
Moreover, you can download all data in different formats, in particular:
- Infographic of the European MOOCs Scoreboard - where Spanish and British institutions are the leading providers of MOOCs;
- European Open Education Institutions - where France has the most institutions;
- Upcoming European MOOCs per country - where the United Kingdom leads - offering more than 50 MOOCs in the upcoming 6 months;
- European MOOCs per subject - where most MOOCs are dedicated to Science & Technology.
Anyone with additional sources or updates is welcome to contribute to the MOOC scoreboard by contacting us.
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