Course Overview
PPY224 Pathophysiology of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Spring 2005
Provider: Tufts UniversityDescription: The endocrine system has always had a certain mystique among scientists, clinicians and the general public. More recently, new hormones and complex endocrine pathways have been discovered that have increased our understanding of normal human physiology and behavior and provided insights into the pathophysiology of various diseases. As a result of these recent advances, the endocrine system has assumed a prominent role in our understanding and management of common medical conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and aging. This course provides a brief review of endocrine physiology. The course teaches the pathophysiology of each of the following endocrine areas through didactic lectures and small group discussions. It covers adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla (catecholamine excess), disorders of calcium metabolism (hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia), diabetes mellitus, obesity and the metabolic syndrome: pathogenesis, complications and management, obesity: pathogenesis, complications and management, thyroid disease, hypothalamic and pituitary disease, hypoglycemia, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The student wil learn the mechanism of action of the various medications used in the treatment of endocrine disorders as a way to emphsize physiology and pathophysiology. The concepts and facts learned during the lectures will be applied to solve clinical problems in the small group discussion sessions. The small group sessions prepare students to handle endocrine cases during their clinical years and prepare them for the USMLE exams as well.
Date Published: 2009-06-03T20:00:00
Languages: English
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